Our SaaS-based CRM & Loyalty solution is highly scalable, customizable, and integrated with 40+ POS for instant redemption. Redemption Online or Offline with automated fraud management with multiple redemption modes. We also expose or consume REST API Sevices for integrating our CRM with your existing Digital Web Database.
CRM & Loyalty
What We Have
It also facilitates brands to promote & reward customer activity on social media platforms.
1. Understand
Gain a single view of customer across all channels including social and mobile and uncover marketing oportunities.
2. Predict
Know what offers and products each customers want. Predict which customers are most likely to churn.
3. Target
Execute lifecycle relevant personalized promotions across every touch point on the path to purchase.
4. Measure & Improve
Accurately attribute the revenue contribution of every promotion, tactic and channel and feed into analysis and strategy.